When I got Kyden's Bed Set from my awesome mother-in-law over 2 years ago... it came with 5 receiving blankets. I had received a plethora of receiving blankets so I never used these ones. I came across them the other day and decided I would make some pillowcases out of them.
This is my 2 year old taking a picture of my cutting the material.
I didn't have a pattern so I just guessed on the length and width. (I measured a pillow :) )
I used 3 blankets per pillowcase. 2 for the long sides and then 1 for the ends. I think that this job might have been a tad easier with a serger.
I took a half inch seam along the fabric and just sewed all the pieces together.
Here is the final product.
I think they turned out really cute.
Now Ky has his own pillowcases that match. This was so easy and quick too.

What a cute idea! I have a pack of those kind of receiving blankets lying around somewhere, I will have to dig them up and try this :)!
So cute!
way cute!!!!
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