I haven wanted to do a quiet book for awhile but I am always so overwhelmed when I start looking at them. I decided to just sit down and start one and realized that it would've been so nice to have page by page someone doing it with me. So I have decided to blog page by page.
I made my pages out of pellon because I read somewhere that it is more durable than felt. So I bought some and made my pages 9 by 11
The page I started with was the stoplight. It seemed like the easiest. These are the pieces you need.
1 pellon page
1 stoplight outline
2 red circles
2 green circle
2 yyellow circles
I also backed 1 of each of the colored circles with some pellon for durability.
I just wrote with fabric pens and stencils. I sewed a piece of velcro onto one of each of the colors then sewed the colors onto the stoplight outline. Then I sewed the outline onto the page. I sewed a piece of velcro to the pellon circles then sewed each pellon circle onto the other color circle.
There you have page 1. Pretty easy. The hardest part is the sewing of the felt. It stretches and looses its shape pretty easy so go slowly. Also I found out the hard way that unpicking felt is miserable so take your time!
Hope to see you back on the next pages too! Good luck

That is awesome Kelli! I love it. I want to do crafts with you.
That is cute, and looks easy enough for me to give it a whirl!!! Will definently be waiting for more!!!
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